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YouTube to Launch AI Tools for Detecting Misuse of Likenesses & Voices

Image showing YouTube's AI tools detecting AI-generated content. A digital creator's likeness and voice are being scanned by AI on one side, while YouTube's Content ID interface on the other side identifies the AI-generated content. The background features data streams and algorithms, representing the technology used for protection and innovation

Image Source: ChatGPT-4o

YouTube to Launch AI Tools for Detecting Misuse of Likenesses & Voices

As generative artificial intelligence tools proliferate, they bring with them the unintended consequence of misuse. Digital creators, actors, musicians, athletes, and others have increasingly seen their likenesses digitally copied or altered. In response, YouTube is developing new tools to address this growing issue and to help protect creators’ intellectual property.

Detecting AI-Generated Singing Voices

In a blog post published Thursday, YouTube announced two upcoming tools designed to detect and manage AI-generated content that misuses creators' voices or likenesses. The first tool, a “synthetic-singing identification technology,” will be integrated into YouTube’s existing Content ID system. This technology is intended to automatically detect and manage AI-generated content simulating musicians’ singing voices, giving musicians more control over how their voices are used on the platform. YouTube plans to launch a pilot program for this tool in early 2025.

Managing AI-Generated Visual Content

The second tool in development is focused on detecting AI-generated content that uses a person’s likeness. This feature aims to help people from a variety of industries—including actors, musicians, creators, and athletes—manage AI-generated content that shows their faces on YouTube. Although there is no confirmed timeline for when this tool will be available, it represents a significant step toward protecting individuals’ visual identities in the digital space.

How the Tools Will Work

While YouTube did not fully detail how these tools will function, it noted that the synthetic-singing identification technology would work within its Content ID system. Content ID gives rightsholders a range of options for handling content, including removing it, taking down rights-impacted material, or sharing ad revenue. Similar capabilities are expected for the likeness detection tool.

YouTube's Approach to AI and Data Scraping

Although YouTube is releasing AI-powered tools like Dream Screen and an AI idea generator for creators, it is also committed to identifying and mitigating AI misuses. Additionally, the platform is addressing the growing demand for training data by companies like OpenAI and Anthropic. YouTube has reiterated that scraping its data is a violation of its terms, and the company plans to fight such efforts.

However, YouTube acknowledged that some creators may have their own views on the use of their data by AI companies. In response, YouTube is developing tools that would give creators more control over how third-party companies use their content for AI training.

YouTube's Commitment to Protecting Creators

“As AI evolves, we believe it should enhance human creativity, not replace it,” YouTube wrote in its blog post. The company remains committed to working with its partners to ensure that AI advancements amplify creators' voices and protect their intellectual property. YouTube will continue to develop safeguards to address misuse and support a balanced future for AI and creativity.