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  • Trump's Allies Draft AI Executive Order for Military Tech

Trump's Allies Draft AI Executive Order for Military Tech

An executive office setting where a group of officials are gathered around a table covered with documents and laptops. A large screen in the background displays the title "AI Executive Order" with futuristic graphics. The mood is serious and focused, with some officials pointing at the screen and others taking notes. The room has a professional and modern design, with large windows letting in natural light.

Trump's Allies Draft AI Executive Order for Military Tech

Allies of former President Donald Trump are reportedly working on an executive order focused on artificial intelligence (AI) that could lead to the development of significant AI military technology projects, similar to the historical "Manhattan Projects," according to The Washington Post.

AI Executive Order in the Works

Several individuals close to Trump are drafting an AI executive order aimed at advancing U.S. interests in the technology. The proposed order would create industry-led agencies to study AI models and protect them from foreign threats.

"Make America First in AI" Initiative

The framework includes a section called "Make America First in AI," aligning with the 2016 Trump Administration's commitment to strengthening American leadership in AI.

Key Figures and Potential Beneficiaries

Larry Kudlow, Trump's former chief economic advisor and current head of the America First Policy Institute, is believed to be involved in these plans. If implemented, the plans could benefit Trump's tech donors, including Tesla billionaire Elon Musk, who endorsed Trump and reportedly plans to donate $45 million to a new super PAC called America PAC, supported by others in Silicon Valley.

Republican Opposition to Biden's AI Executive Order

Republicans have pledged to repeal President Joe Biden's executive order on AI, which requires major tech companies to communicate AI model risks to the federal government and limits the government's use of AI in high-risk situations. The GOP platform supports AI development rooted in free speech and human flourishing, opposing what they view as restrictive measures from the current administration.

Official Positions and Historical Context

Hilton Beckham, spokeswoman for the America First Policy Institute, clarified that the draft document does not represent the organization's official stance or that of the Republican Party. In 2019, the Trump Administration established the American AI Initiative via Executive Order 13859 to protect U.S. advantages in AI and technology critical to national security and economic interests. Representatives for Larry Kudlow and Donald Trump did not immediately respond to a request for comment by Business Insider.

Future of AI Regulation

As AI technology accelerates, it has become a political issue, with Trump's camp advocating a different approach from the current administration's safety-focused policies. The upcoming 2024 election could be pivotal for the future of AI regulation in the U.S.