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Tom Hanks Warns Fans About AI-Generated Ads Using His Likeness

A digital representation of Tom Hanks’ face overlaid with glitch effects, symbolizing the unauthorized use of his likeness through AI. Surrounding the face are warning signs and symbols indicating fraud, such as red caution triangles and "Fake Ad" stamps. The background includes abstract elements representing AI technology, with a focus on the potential misuse of celebrity identities. The image conveys a sense of urgency and caution, highlighting the dangers of AI-generated scams

Image Source: ChatGPT-4o

Tom Hanks Warns Fans About AI-Generated Ads Using His Likeness

Tom Hanks has issued a public warning to his fans about false advertisements circulating online that misuse his name, likeness, and voice to promote so-called "wonder drugs." The Hollywood star took to Instagram on Thursday to alert the public about these fraudulent ads, which he claims were created using artificial intelligence (AI) without his consent.

Hanks’ Public Service Announcement

In his Instagram post, Hanks expressed his concerns over the unauthorized use of his identity in these ads. "There are multiple ads over the internet falsely using my name, likeness and voice promoting miracle cures and wonder drugs," Hanks wrote. "These ads have been created without my consent, fraudulently and through AI."

Hanks further emphasized that he has no connection to these advertisements or the products they are promoting. "I have nothing to do with these posts or the productions and treatments, or the spokespeople touting these cures," he continued. He also reminded his followers of his own health condition, stating, "I have type 2 diabetes, and I ONLY work with my board certified doctor regarding my treatment. DO NOT BE FOOLED. DO NOT BE SWINDLED. DO NOT LOSE YOUR HARD EARNED MONEY."

Previous Warnings and Celebrity Concerns

This is not the first time Hanks has cautioned the public about scams using AI to replicate his identity. In October, he warned fans about a similar scam involving a dental company, which used an AI-generated version of him to promote a dental plan. "There's a video out there promoting some dental plan with an AI version of me. I have nothing to do with it," he wrote on Instagram at the time.

Lainey Wilson’s Testimony on AI Misuse

Hanks is not alone in his concerns. Country music star Lainey Wilson also testified to Congress earlier this year about the misuse of celebrity likenesses through AI. Wilson revealed that her image was used to promote weight-loss gummies, a product she would never endorse, especially considering her influence on young fans.

Wilson emphasized the importance of promoting self-confidence and body positivity among her young audience, noting that endorsing weight-loss products would go against her values.

AI and the Unauthorized Use of Celebrity Identities

Wilson also discussed the troubling use of AI-generated content that misrepresents musicians by placing their voices and images in inappropriate contexts or having them perform lyrics they wouldn’t normally endorse. She expressed deep concern over the misuse of her identity and stressed that such actions are fundamentally wrong.

Wilson acknowledged that while AI has potential benefits, it also poses significant risks to personal rights. "There aren't many things that we can control in life, but making decisions about the use of our own selves, our own unique qualities, that should be one," she added. "I am excited about a lot of ways that artificial intelligence can be used to help people, but I'm nervous about how it can be used to take personal rights."

The Need for Better Regulations and Education

The rise of AI-generated content and fake celebrity endorsements highlights the urgent need for stronger regulations and increased public awareness. By implementing better safeguards and educating consumers, we can help prevent individuals from being misled by fraudulent advertisements and ensure that the integrity of personal identities is protected.