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  • Q+AI Early Registration Ends July 31

Q+AI Early Registration Ends July 31

Don't miss out - Register today!

Hello AI News Readers!

We are excited to bring you this special edition of our newsletter to inform you about an upcoming AI event from one of our sponsors, Quantum+AI - Inside Quantum Technology, taking place on October 29-30, 2024. This email includes exclusive information about their featured speakers and early registration ending soon, so be sure to take advantage of this opportunity!

Promotional banner for the Q+AI New York City conference, scheduled for October 29-30, 2024. The event, presented by 3DR Holdings and IQT, features over 50 speakers and focuses on the intersection of Quantum and AI. Early registration ends on July 31

“Quantum has the potential to mesh with AI to produce truly awesome hybrid results…. I would love to see quantum for AI and AI for quantum.”

Jay Gambetta, IBM*

Make History! Be Part of the First Worldwide Event Covering the Powerful Combination of Quantum Computers and Artificial Intelligence

Quantum computing + AI are highly synergistic, as quantum computing has the potential to significantly enhance AI’s capabilities. Quantum + AI combines the power of quantum computing to create new algorithms, machine learning techniques, search procedure and data processing techniques that are impossible to achieve with classical computers.


Quantum + AI will feature a dynamic lineup of speakers as well as networking opportunities. Our agenda will be meticulously curated to address the most pressing challenges and opportunities facing quantum computing in the AI age today as well as showcase behind-the-scenes look at applications and platforms being constructed.

“Quantum computing is one of the best things to happen to the advance of generative AI…. The Fourth Industrial Revolution will be led by generative AI but underpinned by the power of quantum computing.”

Raj Hazra, Quantinuum*

Featured Speakers

Portraits and titles of featured speakers for the Q+AI New York City Conference 2024. From left to right: Elica Kyoseva, Director of Quantum Algorithm Engineering at NVIDIA; Bob Sutor, Vice President and Practice Lead, Emerging Technologies at The Futurum Group; Paul Terry, Chief Executive Officer at Photonic; and Arman Zaribafiyan, Head of Product, AI Simulation Platforms at SandboxAQ

Elite Networking Environment

There is no better place to network with like minded people than at the top industry event in the new Quantum + AI arena. Q + AI provides ample opportunities with industry leaders, entrepreneurs and experts from around the globe. At this summit you’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of the latest developments shaping the future of Quantum + AI.

Please send any questions about speaking or sponsoring to [email protected]

“Quantum could potentially do some really remarkable things with AI.”

Lawrence Gasman, IQT*

*Source: Time magazine, “Gen AI Has Already Taken the World by Storm. Just Wait Until It Gets a Quantum Boost” by Charlie Campbell (May 13, 2024)