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  • New AI Platform Creates Video Shorts from Start to Finish

New AI Platform Creates Video Shorts from Start to Finish

An illustration of an AI-powered video editing platform. The background features a computer screen displaying a video editing timeline with various clips, scripts, and AI-generated voiceovers. In the foreground, icons representing AI models like OpenAI, ElevenLabs, and Getty Images. The design highlights the seamless integration of AI tools and the automation of video editing tasks

New AI Platform Creates Video Shorts from Start to Finish

Creating video shorts can be time-consuming and requires a range of skills. Augie, a startup formerly known as Aug X Labs, has launched Augie Studio to simplify this process with an all-in-one AI platform.

Simplifying the Video Creation Process

Beyond editing clips, producing high-quality videos involves scripting and sourcing content. Augie Studio integrates AI models, commercially licensed content, and predictive algorithms into one user-friendly platform to tackle these challenges.

Key Features:

Augie Studio automates many aspects of video creation, including:

  • Script generation

  • Realistic voiceover creation

  • Sourcing content from Getty Images

  • Matching B-roll clips to scripts

  • Automatic caption generation

It leverages large language models from OpenAI, ElevenLabs, Stable Diffusion, and AWS, neatly packaging these tools so users don’t need to manage multiple AI applications.

User Experience

Augie CEO Jeremy Toeman demonstrated how Augie Studio simplifies complex tools like Adobe Premiere by making video editing straightforward. The platform matches video timelines to scripts using relevant B-roll from Getty Images, streamlining the process.

Instead of manually searching and editing B-roll, users can swap out clips with keyword searches. Augie Studio’s Magic Search also allows users to upload their content and find specific clips easily.

Subscription Plans

  • Lite Plan: Free, with limitations including a 60-second video maximum, two minutes of generated video per month, and no premium content access.

  • Premium Plan: $34 per month, enabling two-minute videos, ten total minutes of video per month, access to premium content, AI Scriptwriting, Voice Library, Magic Search, and more.

  • Enterprise Plan: Offers additional features and requires contacting the sales team for details.


Augie Studio provides a comprehensive solution for anyone looking to create video shorts quickly and efficiently. By automating the most tedious parts of the editing process, this AI-powered platform makes video creation accessible to all.