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  • Las Vegas Transit to Fully Deploy AI Surveillance for Weapon Detection

Las Vegas Transit to Fully Deploy AI Surveillance for Weapon Detection

A visual representation of AI surveillance in the Las Vegas transit system. The image shows AI-linked cameras monitoring passengers on a bus, with real-time alerts for brandished firearms to enhance security. The scene includes a bus with passengers, AI cameras, and a control room where security personnel are receiving alerts from the AI system. The background features a modern urban environment, highlighting the integration of advanced technology in public transit

Las Vegas Transit to Fully Deploy AI Surveillance for Weapon Detection

The Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada (RTC), which includes Las Vegas, will be the first transit system in the U.S. to implement a system-wide AI surveillance system for weapons detection. This initiative aims to enhance security on its over 400 buses using AI technology from ZeroEyes, a gun detection software vendor.

Enhancing Transit Security with AI

Transit systems across the nation are seeking ways to reduce violence, with AI-linked cameras and acoustic technology emerging as viable options. While both have their downsides, these technologies aim to better respond to mass shootings in public places.

AI Surveillance in Action

As part of a $33 million multi-year upgrade, RTC will deploy AI to scan riders for firearms. Tom Atteberry, RTC’s director of safety and security operations, emphasized that quick detection is crucial in active shooting situations. The AI system can alert authorities within three to five seconds, potentially saving lives by allowing quicker responses.

Addressing Rising Violence and Public Safety

A report by the Department of Transportation in late 2023 highlighted rising violence on transit systems, with increasing public fears about transportation safety. Public places, including transit systems, are continually grappling with the challenge of preventing mass shootings.

Innovative AI Technology for Safety

ZeroEyes' AI system detects brandished guns and alerts a staffed operations center with retired law enforcement veterans to quickly identify threats. The system is not designed to detect legally carried firearms but focuses on those brandished in a threatening manner.

Broader Implications and Future Prospects

While image-based AI detection systems are promising, they have limitations. Wei Dai, assistant professor at Purdue Northwest’s Department of Computer Science, suggested that acoustic sensors might be more effective in some cases due to their high accuracy in detecting gunshot sounds. However, these sensors are costly and less widely adopted.

The Need for a Comprehensive Approach

Public safety officials emphasize the need for a layered approach to security, combining AI technology with traditional police work. Implementing AI systems like ZeroEyes involves addressing numerous logistical challenges, including how to respond once a threat is detected.

National and Local Initiatives

While Las Vegas is the first to plan full deployment of ZeroEyes, other cities like Philadelphia have tested similar technologies. The success of these systems depends on the quality of existing camera networks and the comprehensive integration of AI into security protocols.

Skepticism and Support

Despite some skepticism about the effectiveness of AI surveillance in detecting concealed weapons, proponents argue that the technology is a necessary step in enhancing public safety. Atteberry emphasized the importance of being proactive and embracing new technologies to prevent potential incidents and save lives.