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How Apple Intelligence Transforms Siri on Your iPhone

An illustration showing Siri on an iPhone screen with various new features enabled by Apple Intelligence. Icons represent ChatGPT integration, typing to Siri, personal context awareness, natural language understanding, and cross-app actions. The background includes elements of a digital assistant in action, highlighting the enhanced capabilities of Siri, such as responding to text and image inputs, interacting with multiple apps, and providing personalized assistance

How Apple Intelligence Transforms Siri on Your iPhone

After years of criticism over Siri’s lack of innovation, Apple has announced a smarter version of its digital assistant, set to launch this fall. Thanks to the addition of Apple Intelligence, Apple’s generative AI offering, and a partnership with OpenAI, Siri is getting a host of new features and updates.

ChatGPT Integration

An iPhone screen displaying Siri's response generated with ChatGPT. The screen shows a detailed recipe for a five-course meal, illustrating Siri's ability to use ChatGPT for answering complex questions with visual and textual context

Image Source: Apple

Siri will soon leverage OpenAI’s ChatGPT to answer certain questions. For example, if you need recipe ideas using ingredients from your garden, you can ask Siri, and it will use ChatGPT to generate options. Additionally, you can include photos with your questions or ask about documents or PDFs. For instance, take a picture of a flower and ask Siri what it is and where to find it. You don’t need a ChatGPT account but must grant Siri permission to use the service.

Personal Context Awareness

A collage of various digital content, including calendar events, emails, and photos, representing Siri’s ability to understand and manage personal context across different apps on an iPhone. The screen shows Siri fetching relevant information based on the user's personal context

Image Source: Apple

With Apple Intelligence, Siri will become aware of your personal context, enabling it to perform actions unique to you. Siri can use information on your device to find what you need. For example, ask Siri to “pull up the recipe that Alice sent a few days ago,” or quickly retrieve your passport number when booking a flight.

Improved Natural Language Understanding

A text image showing Siri’s improved natural language processing capability. The text example reads, "Siri, set an alarm for — oh wait no, set a timer for 10 minutes. Actually, make that five," demonstrating Siri's ability to understand and adjust to corrections in user commands

Image Source: Apple

Siri will better understand natural language, even if you stumble on your words. You can say, “Siri, set an alarm for, oh wait no, set a timer for 10 minutes. Actually, make that five.” Siri will understand and adjust accordingly. Additionally, you can ask follow-up questions without repeating the context. For example, after asking where your next family reunion is, you can follow up with, “What will the weather be like there?” without restating the location.

Typing to Siri

An iPhone screen showing the option to type a query to Siri. The keyboard is open with the prompt "Ask Siri..." illustrating the new feature allowing users to type their questions or commands instead of speaking, useful in quiet or noisy environments

Image Source: Apple

Apple Intelligence introduces the ability to type to Siri. Double tap the button on your iPhone or iPad screen to ask Siri any question. This feature is useful in quiet or noisy environments, ensuring your inquiry is clearly understood.

Enhanced Device Knowledge

An iPhone screen showing step-by-step instructions on how to schedule a text message to send later, demonstrating Siri’s enhanced product knowledge and ability to guide users through using new features on Apple devices

Image Source: Apple

Siri now has more information about Apple’s products and services. For instance, you can ask Siri how to schedule a text message to send later, and it will provide step-by-step instructions.

Screen Context Awareness

An iPad screen showing a recommendation for a TV show on Apple TV+. The recommendation is based on a text message from a friend, illustrating Siri’s capability to understand and interact with onscreen content.

Image Source: Apple

Siri can now understand and take action based on what’s on your screen. If a friend texts you a new address, you can tell Siri to add it to their contact card. If a friend suggests a TV show on Apple TV+, you can ask Siri to open it.

Cross-App Actions

Three iPhone screens showing Siri’s ability to take actions across multiple apps. The screens display a search result in Photos, an image being edited, and a text note being created, highlighting Siri’s capability to manage tasks across different applications seamlessly

Image Source: Apple

With Apple Intelligence, Siri can take action within and across apps. You can ask Siri to enhance a photo in the Photos app and then send it to a specific person in Messages, without needing to open separate apps or perform the tasks yourself.