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  • Apple Develops High-Security OS for AI Data Centers

Apple Develops High-Security OS for AI Data Centers

An illustration of Apple's high-security OS for AI data centers. The background features a secure data center with Apple servers running advanced AI computations. In the foreground, symbols of privacy and security such as padlocks and shields. Screens display Apple's logo and code being inspected by researchers. Elements representing AI technology and secure cloud computing are included

Apple Develops High-Security OS for AI Data Centers

Apple is creating a high-security operating system (OS) for its AI data centers, named Private Cloud Compute (PCC). This development is part of Apple's broader AI initiative, Apple Intelligence, which was announced by Craig Federighi, Apple's head of software engineering.

Introducing Private Cloud Compute (PCC)

PCC will support generative AI models that need significant processing power. Federighi highlighted that independent experts would be able to inspect the PCC code to verify Apple’s privacy promises. Importantly, user data will be deleted from PCC servers once requests are fulfilled, ensuring it is never stored permanently.

Ensuring Security and Transparency

Apple's technical team announced that the PCC servers would operate on a unique version of Apple's OS software, open to inspection by security researchers. Apple plans to make software images of every production build of PCC publicly available and will periodically release subsets of the security-critical PCC source code.

Unique Security Measures

In an unprecedented move, PCC images will include the sepOS firmware and iBoot bootloader in plaintext, facilitating easier examination by researchers. Apple assures that its devices will only communicate with PCC nodes that can cryptographically confirm they are running publicly listed software, upholding privacy and security standards.

Operating System Details

The PCC OS is a fortified version of iOS and macOS, designed to handle large language model (LLM) workloads while minimizing vulnerabilities. These servers will use Apple’s own chips, similar to those in iPhones, iPads, and Macs, and will leverage iOS security features like Code Signing and sandboxing.

Future Availability and Insights

Although specific dates for developer access to the new software were not provided, Apple researchers indicated that security researchers would get an early preview "soon." ZDNET's Maria Diaz speculated that iOS 18 betas might be available in July. Apple's site notes that Apple Intelligence will be available in beta this fall on certain devices.

Apple’s high-security OS for AI data centers represents a major step toward securing AI operations. By enabling external verification and incorporating robust security measures, Apple aims to set a new standard in AI data center security.