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Apple Developer Academy Introduces AI Training for Students and Alumni

A classroom setting in the Apple Developer Academy with students and mentors engaging in AI training. The scene includes students working on Apple devices, learning to build and deploy machine learning models. The environment is modern and collaborative, with visual elements including Apple logos, AI diagrams, and coding interfaces on the screens

Apple Developer Academy Introduces AI Training for Students and Alumni

Apple is expanding its AI initiatives by integrating AI training into its education programs. The company announced that all Apple Developer Academy students and mentors will receive training on AI fundamentals, with alumni also eligible to participate.

New AI Curriculum

Starting this fall, students will learn how to build, train, and deploy machine learning models on Apple devices. The courses will cover AI technologies and frameworks, including Core ML, which enables fast performance on Apple devices. Students will gain hands-on experience in building and training AI models from scratch.

Global Reach

The new curriculum will be offered to thousands of students and alumni across 18 Developer Academies located in Brazil, Indonesia, Italy, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, and the United States. This initiative aims to equip learners with the skills to leverage new technologies and APIs introduced at the recent WWDC.

Tools and Technologies

Apple announced that the introduction of new technologies and APIs will provide students with additional tools for app development. Swift Assist, a new feature in Xcode 16, will support developers in experimenting with new ideas. Additionally, Swift 6 brings new capabilities to enhance code clarity and simplify concurrent programming.

“With the introduction of curriculum dedicated to AI and other new technologies, we’re excited to see what students will build to share with their communities and the world,” said Susan Prescott, Apple’s vice president of Worldwide Developer Relations. Read more in their press release.