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  • AI Helps ALS Patient Regain Voice with Custom Speech Technology

AI Helps ALS Patient Regain Voice with Custom Speech Technology

A woman sits comfortably with her children gathered around, using an AI-powered device to type with her eyes. A nearby speaker emits a realistic AI-generated voice, allowing her to communicate with her family. Digital elements like glowing sound waves, speech bubbles, and AI circuits flow from the device to the speaker, symbolizing the advanced AI technology at work. In the background, neural networks and data streams subtly represent the role of AI in restoring her voice. The scene is warm and family-oriented, emphasizing the emotional impact of AI voice technology in keeping the family connected

Image Source: DALL-E 3

AI Helps ALS Patient Regain Voice with Custom Speech Technology

Artificial intelligence is playing a transformative role in the life of April Kerner, a 42-year-old mother of three, who lost her ability to speak after being diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Thanks to a specialized AI-powered voice replication tool, Kerner is now able to communicate again, using a program that replicates the sound of her original voice.

A Life Changed by ALS

April Kerner first began experiencing symptoms of ALS in April 2022, when she noticed weakness in her right leg. After months of medical appointments, the diagnosis came in December 2022: ALS, a progressive neurological disease that gradually affects a person’s ability to control voluntary muscles, including those responsible for walking, talking, and breathing.

By May 2023, Kerner started to lose her voice, and the next month she entered respiratory failure, requiring a tracheotomy that took away her voice entirely. Despite the devastating physical toll, her family sought out ways for her to continue communicating. That’s when they found ElevenLabs, an AI audio research company specializing in human-like text-to-speech programs.

AI Restores April's Voice

Using recordings of Kerner’s voice from before her diagnosis, ElevenLabs developed a custom AI tool that allowed her to "speak" again through technology. Unlike traditional robotic text-to-speech programs, this AI-generated voice sounds remarkably close to her original voice.

“I cried the first time I heard it because it was actually my voice again,” Kerner told ABC News. Her husband, Bill Kerner, echoed this sentiment, saying, “We never thought we'd hear her actual voice again. It gave us part of her that this horrible disease took away from her that we never thought would be again and, for that, we're so grateful.”

The AI program is not without its limitations—Kerner noted that the voice's cadence is a bit slow—but it remains the closest thing to her real voice that her family has heard since ALS began to take its toll. This AI tool allows Kerner to type with her eyes, and the program generates the speech that her family can hear.

A Meaningful Impact on Family Life

The AI voice has not only restored Kerner’s ability to communicate but has also given her back a cherished part of her family life: reading bedtime stories to her children. “I can no longer sit and read a regular book to the kids, so this is a way for us to connect,” she said.

Her children have embraced the return of their mother’s voice, gathering around for storytime and celebrating when they first heard her AI-assisted voice again.

The Broader Role of AI in ALS Care

Kerner’s story is a powerful example of how AI is being used to improve the quality of life for ALS patients, who often face devastating losses of physical abilities. With AI tools like those developed by ElevenLabs, patients can retain vital aspects of their personal identity, even as the disease progresses.

While the AI voice tool is helping April regain some independence, her condition remains challenging. Kerner is currently on a ventilator and uses a feeding tube, but she remains optimistic and determined to raise awareness about ALS. “Despite the difficulties I face, I am determined to keep fighting for my family and be there for my children,” she said.

AI technology is still evolving, but stories like April’s demonstrate the real-world impact it can have today, offering life-changing solutions to individuals and their families. As AI continues to develop, its potential to support ALS patients and others facing severe health challenges will likely expand, providing new ways to restore lost abilities and improve quality of life.