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  • 6 AI Applications Already Transforming Healthcare Delivery & Research

6 AI Applications Already Transforming Healthcare Delivery & Research

A futuristic healthcare scene highlighting AI-driven innovations. In the center, an AI system is assisting in ultrasound imaging, while other areas showcase AI applications in drug discovery, radiology, and speech recognition. Doctors and healthcare professionals interact with these advanced technologies, and data flows seamlessly between systems, demonstrating the efficiency and precision of AI in healthcare. The background includes a modern hospital and research lab setting, emphasizing the transformation of healthcare through AI-powered tools.

Image Source: ChatGPT-4o

6 AI Applications Already Transforming Healthcare Delivery & Research

Artificial intelligence is becoming a powerful tool in healthcare, speeding up scientific discoveries and enhancing the quality of research. In a recent essay by Sam Altman, co-founder and CEO of OpenAI, he proclaimed that the world has entered the "Intelligence Age" and that AI will drive exponential advancements. While some critics view his predictions as overly ambitious, AI is already making tangible impacts in various fields of healthcare.

Here are six AI-powered applications that are already revolutionizing healthcare delivery and research:

1. Ultrasound Imaging — GE Verisound AI

GE’s Verisound AI is bringing cutting-edge ultrasound technology into the hands of non-experts. Its Caption AI software provides real-time guidance, prompting users on how to move ultrasound probes and ensuring that only high-quality images are captured. This tool, combined with its AutoEF feature, uses AI algorithms to measure key heart functions, such as left ventricular ejection fraction, enabling earlier disease detection and diagnosis.

2. Drug Discovery — Atomwise

San Francisco-based Atomwise is transforming drug discovery through its AtomNet platform, which uses convolutional neural networks to predict the efficacy of drug candidates. By analyzing protein structures and small molecules, AtomNet can forecast the interaction between small molecules and proteins, which accelerates the identification of promising drug treatments, potentially shortening the time and reducing the costs associated with bringing new medicines to market.

As of April 2024, Atomwise has successfully identified novel drug candidates for 235 out of 318 targets in collaborations with academic labs across 30 countries.

3. Radiology — Behold.ai and Enlitic

AI is also making strides in radiology with companies like Behold.ai and Enlitic leading the charge. Behold.ai's red dot algorithm, trained on over 30,000 images, can detect abnormalities in chest X-rays with 90% accuracy, reducing radiologists' workloads by 29% and speeding up diagnoses by 71%. Similarly, Enlitic’s deep learning models interpret medical images up to 10,000 times faster than traditional methods, with studies showing their ability to detect malignant lung nodules up to 18 months, far earlier than biopsies.

4. Speech Assistance and Recognition — Voiceitt

Voiceitt is revolutionizing communication for individuals with speech impairments. Using AI-driven speech recognition, Voiceitt enables voice control of smart devices and assists with communication. Its integration with platforms like Webex, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom enhances accessibility in virtual meetings through real-time captioning and transcription, empowering individuals with speech disabilities to participate more independently in both personal and professional settings.

5. Clinical Decision Making — Merative

Formerly known as IBM Watson Health, Merative is using AI to aid clinicians in making more informed decisions. By combining AI with predictive analytics and natural language processing (NLP), Merative’s solutions help personalize treatment plans, streamline hospital operations, and optimize healthcare resource management, ensuring that patients receive the best possible care.

6. Healthcare Delivery Automation — WELL Health Technologies

Canada’s WELL Health Technologies is harnessing AI to automate healthcare delivery. Their AI solutions manage appointment scheduling, diagnostics, and patient monitoring, providing early disease detection and continuous health tracking. In July 2024, the company launched an AI-powered co-pilot specifically for cardiologists, which is improving cardiovascular disease management by streamlining complex workflows.

What This Means for the Future of Healthcare

AI is rapidly reshaping the healthcare industry, from speeding up drug discovery to improving diagnostic accuracy. As AI technology continues to evolve, the healthcare sector is likely to see even more groundbreaking applications, leading to better patient outcomes, enhanced accessibility, and more efficient healthcare delivery. Moving forward, these advancements will pave the way for a more personalized and proactive approach to healthcare, ultimately transforming how care is provided across the globe.